Deer repellent|&|Raccoon Repellent| Predator Guard Solar Powered Light Pest Animals Away

Predator Guard Solar Powered Predator Deterrent Light Scares Nocturnal Pest Animals Away, Deer Coyote Raccoon Repellent Devices, Chicken Coop Accessories

THE WORLD'S NO.1 BEST-SELLING PREDATOR CONTROL LIGHT IS NOW AVAILABLE AT AMAZON - Twin lights mimic another predator's eyes, create fear and keep wild nocturnal animals far away - a more effective deterrent than a single flashing light. New random flashing pattern ensures animals do not become used to the lights and ignore them
MADE WITH THE TOUGHEST INDUSTRIAL COMPONENTS, Predator Guard deterrent lights offer maintenance-free, all night protection, 365 nights a year
REPELS ALL COMMON NIGHT PREDATORS: Fox, Deer, Wolf, Coyote, Skunk, Bear, Owls, Hawks And More. See YouTube video:
PROTECTS: Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Ponds, Livestock, Chicken Coops, Trash Bins, Property, Camp sites from night attacks
SOLAR POWERED unit automatically charges itself - turns itself "on" at night and "off" in daylight - set it up once and your done! - purchase 4 or more units for 360 degree protection and get Free Shipping and 15% discount: see coupon code below under "Special Offers and Product Promotions"
